10 Ways To Make Your Site Look Good

Here's where it's time to know a little bit about design. You need to create a website that...

1. Has symmetryMake it look like there's an equal number of things.

2. HiearchyPut the important things at the top of pages and make them bigger.

3. BalancePut an equal number and sized elements across from each other pages.

4. ProximityTry…

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10 Things To Put On Your Website

 Here's a list of things you should include on your website.

1. A logoYes branding is still a thing and when you include a logo on your site it helps your brand be remembered. That being said the logo shouldn't take up a prominent piece of real estate and should consume only a smart part of…

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5 Ways To Market Your Website

You've created your website and now it's time to think about marketing. What is marketing? How is it different from advertising?

Marketing is everything you do to promote your website from the content you put on the page to the places you advertise it.

Here are 5 things you should do to market your website.

1. Your pages…

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5 Things Your Website Needs

Now that you've determined the goal of your website it's time to begin designing it. There are 5 things every good website should have.

1. An easy to spell and understand web addressChoosing the right web address is an important part of getting found online. If you choose a web address that's hard to spell, difficult…

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The 3 Goals Of A Website

Ok, so you're convinced a website is a necessary part of your business. But how do you create a website? Where do you start? What do I put on my website?  In this post I'm going to give you a process to answer all of those questions and more.

What's the goal of your website?Before you…

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5 Reasons You Need A Website

The landscape of the internet continues to evolve, and as it does, there's one thing that remains constant... websites! Despite the introduction of the social media, the smart phone, apps, and local listings, websites are still a must have for businesses and organizations. That's because having your own website still provides advantages you just can't…

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Creating Website Structure

One of the challenges of creating your own website is starting with a good foundation or structure. Website structure defines things like how your pages will be ordered, which pages will appear in the navigation menu, the names of your pages, the styles you'll apply to elements, and other design choices.

The first thing you need…

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New Feature - Backup and Restore

Now you can backup your website and restore to previous versions. This helps prevent from losing your work. It also lets you rest easy, if you make a mistake you can always go back. 

To create your first backup click on the backup icon on the dashboard just below the thumbnail image of your…

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How To Capture Leads From Your Website

Studies show the average person won't buy from your unitl the seventh time they have contact with your company. For this reason very few people will ever come to your website and make a purchase the first time they visit. That's why you need to be capturing contact information when people come to your website.


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How To Create A Logo For Your Business

Logos are visual representations of your company. In this article I'll be sharing five principles to follow when creating a logo.

1. Keep it simple.

Think of the most popular brands in the world. Now picture their logos. Notice they're all very simple. They're not overally creative or ornate. They consistent of basic shapes, they're typically one…

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20 Things To Put On Your Website

Sometimes it can be hard to come up with content for your website. So here's a list of 20 things you can put on your website.

1. The name of your business.

2. Your company logo.

3. Your phone number.

4. Your address, directions, hours, and a map of your location.

5. A headline that concisely says what it is…

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Coupon Codes Are Here

Coupon codes are a great way to increase conversion rates by offering your customers a discount at checkout. They also help protect your margins because you don't have lower your price for everyone, only those who have a coupon. The WebStarts store app now lets you create coupon codes and allows your customers to redeem…

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How To Create A Webpage Layout

In this article I'll tell you how to create a webpage layout. Creatin a webpage layout can be tricky. It's a balance between creating something that looks great but still conveys the important points. 

There are lots of ways to layout your website depending on it's purpose. If your website is orientated toward selling products your…

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What's The Goal Of Your Website?

What's the goal of your website? That's the first question you should ask yourself before starting your web design. Establishing a clear goal will help you decide which things are most important and which are not important at all.

Over the years I've built literally hundreds of websites. During that time I've found there are pretty…

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The Top 5 Places To Advertise Your Website

Most people are looking to grow their business through their website. However, with millions of websites scattered across the internet it can be challenging to get noticed. Certainly getting found amongst Google's organic search results provides tremendous value, but obtaining top position for the phrases people use to find your products and services is more…

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